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About Our Company

        务实  创新  勤奋    Practical, innovative and diligent
        诚信  双赢  超越    Integrity, Win-win and transcendence
        创优质品牌    Create high quality brand
        铸一流形象    Cast first-class brand image
        科技以人为本    Connecting People
        创新引领市场   Innovation leads the market


 MEIRI Machine tool has participated in more than 900 professional exhibitions in domestic and abroad.

We have show the products and company image to the professional customers, and also pay more attention to the information exchange in the industry, to find the new demand of customer and the latest trends of product technology market. To improve the popularity and reputation of our company.

Leader Inspection

 From establish of the company to the present, we have been receiving the care and instructions of leaders.

Charity Activities

 Charity is not just for the rich people, but for everyone. Charity, as the name implies, is a kind of inner compassion. As long as there is compassion, even giving a smile and saying a comforting word can make a difference to others. As long as there is a compassionate heart, even if they do not have money, to the poor sentient beings, with the physical strength to help them, with the heart to comfort them, is also a charitable act.

Company activity

 We have carried out many activities to enhance the communication and interaction between employees, to build a harmonious and united atmosphere for enterprises, to promote the better and faster development of the company.

New MEIRI Building-The gross area is 12000 square meters.

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  • Mon - Fri: 8am - 6pm
    Sat - Sun: 9am - 3pm
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